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average consumption中文是什么意思

用"average consumption"造句"average consumption"怎么读"average consumption" in a sentence


  • 平均消费量
  • 平均消耗量
  • 平均用水量


  • That is enough to meet the needs of about 31 million people in china , based on average consumption per capita
  • Average consumption of gasoline increased from 862 gal / yr in 1974 to 3918 gal / yr in 2004 , an overall increase of 22 percent
    汽油的平均消费,已经从1974年的每年862加仑,增长到了2004年的每年3918加仑,一共增长了22 % 。
  • Average consumption of fruit and vegetables was " far below " the minimum daily recommendation of 400 grams 14 ounces , the survey said
  • Compared with the average consumption of the world , china ' s flower consumption is very low , and characterized mainly in aggregative and ferial consumption
  • Although in china , the wine consumption per person does n ' t reach one twentieth of the world average consumption , wine market is now increasing at a high speed
    虽然目前我国的人均葡萄酒消费量还不到世界平均水平的1 20 ,但是这个市场正以飞快的速度增长。
  • However , the average consumption only 17 kilograms in china , average production not reach to 8 kilogram much less than developed country ' s 100 kilogram , also lower than 27 - kilogram world average level
  • Glance at some of the statistics on the who surveillance data website indicate that most asian countries consumption rates fall short of the recommended target : chinas population on average consume about 300g day ; thailands average consumption rate is recorded as less than 200g day and surveys in india record about 130g day
  • Current situation , character , existing problem of chinese dairy industry were expatiated by analyzing production and supply of chinese dairy industry . although milk total yield and average consumption per capita in china have been increasing since 1949 , it lagged behind compared with the world level
  • The average consumption per capita in china was less than 14 % of average consumption level in world , its expenditure merely accounted for 5 . 2 % of the whole food consumption expenditure , and the main consumption areas were large cities . milk production was characterized by miniature , low efficiency and low - level
    中国的奶类消费主要集中在大中城市, 2003年人均消费量不足世界平均水平的14 % ,其人均消费支出也不高,奶类的主要消费群体城镇居民的人均奶类消费支出只占人均食品消费支出的5 . 2 % 。
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